Adeboro, My Friend


Feb 12

All about you!

Explain why you chose your blog’s title and what it means to you. 

Haha. This is not even weird. 

Yes, maybe I could have been more creative with my blog title, but I chose my blog title ‘Adeboro’ because my name is Adeboro and it is my blog. 

What it means to me?

On the surface of it, Adeboro means ‘royalty and wealth meet’ So more like, ‘This is a product of royalty and wealth’. It’s a pretty high-class name and I, sometimes, feel my other names grow sad and cold because they are not getting called too often (except when Success decides to be a darling and call me by my other names). 

But my name means more than its meaning to me (I feel like I’m in my Jurisprudence class.)

My name makes me emotional. It has remained with me from before I was born till now! My name is like the thing I look at to remind myself that I’m still myself. In nursery school, my notebooks had ‘Adeboro’ on them, and now, in my final year in the university, when so many many many many things have changed, I still write ‘Adeboro’ on my notebooks. My name has gone through a lot – so much, for me. People have talked about me behind my back obviously, and while I personally couldn’t care any less about what they say, my name is forced to be involved. It is my name that is bounced around on their lips and is made to listen to what they say (good or bad); not me. And you know, no matter how many times my name is harassed, it has never rejected me. Thank you Adeboro (the name), I love you. Thank you for standing by me even when the names of my other friends left me. 

My name challenges me. Unilag is a weird school. I sometimes think that a criterion for admission is the ability to ‘blow other people’s trumpet far more than they deserve’ (which is a phenomenon popularly called ‘Whining’). There are too many people in this school that think I’m more than what I actually am, and that challenges me. Take for instance, Hosanna (yes, this is a person’s name). Hosanna takes it upon himself to make me feel like being swallowed up by the ground every time we meet in the faculty. He does this thing where he shouts ‘Ah! Boro. Ye. Boro. God, Boro. This girl is a legend’ Hosanna does not fear that someone may walk past, pick up that name and then form a notion that the owner of the name is indeed an epic luminary. But my name knows what it is doing; it is running ahead of me and announcing me to be an amazing person, so that I can in fact become an amazing person. 

My name makes me laugh. My name is probably my bestest friend here on this earth. Sometimes, I think of things so ridiculously funny, that I can’t tell just anyone. Sometimes, it’s stupid stuff, sometimes it’s stuff I’m not proud of and sometimes its genius stuff. But it so happens that every time I think these weird thoughts, if I manage to shake my head and just say ‘Boro!’, my name tickles me and I just start to laugh. It’s a mystery that I haven’t fully comprehended but I love it. 

I chose my blog title – Adeboro, because there could not have been an apter title to describe a consolidation of my talents, aspirations, errors and jokes. Plus my name deserves to be recognised for its good works to me.

That last sentence sounded weird, Boro.

I know, Boro.

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