18 March
‘Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast’ – the White Queen, Alice in Wonderland
What are the six impossible things you believe in? (If you can only manage one or two, that’s also okay)
I’m going to have to rephrase that question. My mind cannot contain the stipulation that something I believe in is impossible. I don’t waste my dreams and beliefs. I believe that if something was impossible before I believed in it, then it becomes possible once I believe in it.
So, here are some things which are not the popular beliefs of the world, but are very well a part of my convictions.
- World Peace: That the whole world can come together in one peace; in one piece. That if only everyone just allowed the real kind of love permeate their hearts, then each person will understand the other person and there wouldn’t be hurt in the world. Yes, I believe that world peace would stem from world love. Microscopically, I believe that the only way this would be achieved is if one person (and yes, I dare to use the cliché motivational speaker’s emotional blackmail tool), ‘if YOU, YOU and ME’ take a stand to show love ‘irrespective’ and not ‘because’.
- Love that Lasts: I’m a writer, so I’m a potential romantic. But no, I don’t believe in ‘falling in love’. Falling in love, here, is used in the ‘butterflies in my belly’ context. I have had those, and one thing I can say is that the end is exhaustion. ‘Butterflies in my belly, electricity in my palms and the spinner in my head’ kind of ‘love’ often demands and expects more than it can be given. But I believe in the love that is intentional. You may feel some sort of surreal queasiness some times, but even when you don’t, you still love the person. I believe that this type of love can be enjoyed and can last; not merely endured or be frustrated.
- Tears don’t solve any problems: It’s surprising how many people on earth never think deeply about the real profitability of tears. What can tears really do for you if you’re not crying to God? I can be a quite pragmatic person so I always try to evaluate the reason why I do certain things before I do them (which is one of the hindrances to my much ‘planned spontaneity’). I understand that some emotionally provoking occurrences such as death, may trigger tears, but aside from that, I don’t believe that tears are an effective and practical solution to any problem.
- He will not cheat. My son(s) also, will not cheat. : Some of my aunties have let me and my sister know that all men must and will cheat. And it’s depressing that there are people who think like this. They let us know that we have to be wise enough to flick away our husbands’ infidelity lackadaisically without importing too much severity to it because, it’s only normal that he does. ‘Your job as a wife is to make him happy to ‘what’ he comes to at night and to carry your eyes away from what would hurt you.’ Well, I’m sorry aunties, but your advice came too late; I already believe and therefore know, that men do not necessarily have to cheat on their wives. And this is not even about being faithful to your wife, because I’ve heard that that’s quite a useless and fickle thing to hinge your fidelity (or otherwise) on. I believe it is more about a heart that is not only faithful to God, but also that which reverences, respects and fears Him enough to stay faithful.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!