I started my Court attachment yesterday and it doesn’t feel like it’s just been two days. I’ve been privy to a lot of people’s private lives and my mind has been enlightened to the existence of different problems around the country (at least in Lagos)
Yesterday, Teni was sitting beside me in court. She was looking round the court, while I was trying to make sense of the contents of my notebook. Suddenly she sighed and said, ‘men have a way of being ugly’
I almost fell from my chair laughing. I don’t know the exact reason why I found that sentence so funny, but I did. And I promised her I was going to write about it.
Now, sitting here backend of my site trying to write, I realize that I may have a more intense meaning to Teni’s utterance.
Obviously, when she cracked the joke and I laughed, both our minds were on the facial features of the male people. She had gone ahead to point out a man and she said ‘Imagine if a woman looked like that man’ and I think I had said ‘Ah. No one would even be able to look at her. Plenty insults’. And it was true. We weren’t insulting the man. We were merely saying that there’s a roughness which a man can carry on his face which a woman cannot dare wear.
However, I am now thinking that the sentence is even truer with regard to man, as a race. Mankind.
My short while in court and in life so far, has shown and taught me that most of life is beautiful when men don’t tamper with it.
Now, men = mankind
Men have a way of taking something beautiful and digging around for ugliness.
This is why, an innocent beautiful child cannot be trusted around his or her anties or uncles.
This is why innovative ideas such as the Internet and technology have been taken by man and turned upside down.
This is why love, a pure and beautiful thing, has been taken and seriously basterdized.
This is why success, a good thing, has been mis-defined and the pursuit for it, mismanaged.
This is the problem with the academic system, the medical system, the manufacturing industry, the social sphere. Everywhere.
It’s all around the world, people. Men do really have a way of being ugly.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!