Psalm of Boro


29 Feb

It’s the ‘leap day’ and since I’m using a 2015 prompt, there’s no provision for an article today. So I’m just going to write what comes to me.


My Psalm of The Day


Dear God, you are my Lord and you consistently keep me wow-ed!

You are the God who gives me such great calm, that I can’t be bothered even if I tried

You change the hearts of lecturers for my sake and cause them to fix make-up tests even when I missed the ‘main impromptu test’ as a result of my own slothfulness.

You blind the roaming eyes of lecturers and orchestrate their choices so that they never cause me to embarrass myself.

You see my weaknesses and give me the strength to live above them.

Your hand stabilizes the tires of the crazy Okada man so that I ride through Lagos without any worries and fears.

Somehow, you make a way for me to pay for my fares and when I don’t have enough, you prompt someone somehow to pay for me.

You love me even more than I love me because, when my heart (which is a part of me) decides to plunge me into sorrowful thoughts, you cause me to smile… at the most mundane things.

You could use something as unrelated as a little baby in a danfo to smile at me and when I return the smile, you let me know that that was you.

You surround me with amazing friends who help me know you better

You bless me with more than enough so that I can bless others

Dear God, you are my Lord and I’m enjoying your reign.

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