Feb 19
Describe the last nightmare you remember having? What do you think it meant?
\’ nīt – mer \
a dream that frightens a sleeping person.
I have nightmares all the time. I have to;
Because I reason that if my dreams are not nightmares, of what use are they to me?
I have nightmares all the time. I love them!
I want to think of my dreams and shudder.
I want to live my dreams and be terrified of how big they are.
I want to attain my dreams and almost collapse in dreadful wonder.
I have nightmares all the time. I call for them.
Before I dream, I watch incredible horror stories
Of people who from nothing became supernovas
Those who went through their own nightmares and came out unscathed
Then I call for those nightmares in my dreams
I have nightmares all the time. I pray for them.
For I know the dreams I should have of myself are those God has of me
And when I dare to imagine them as they run in his Big Mighty Mind, I feel terrified and frozen
So I stop imagining these scary dreams and I just pray them to myself
I have nightmares all the time. I work towards them.
Because if my dreams don’t scare me, then my brain won’t dare me
So I work my talents so hard, that when I dream, I only dream scary dreams – nightmares.
The same way I’d rather not be, than be anything less than what God wants for me,
I’d also rather not dream, than dream anything that doesn’t scare me shitless!
I'd love to hear your thoughts!