Sans Amour 

If I could tell what the lecturer would say right before he opens his mouth;

And I had all the legal theories and principles at my finger tips;

If I could predict the outcome of a case even before the judge knew of the facts;

And I could draft heart-warming, nation-binding treaties 

But I have not love… I am nothing but a useless piece of paper on a highway tossed around by the wind. 


If I could write words of gold; 

Bringing your very thoughts into black and white;

Writing to save, writing and creating.

If my words had the healing touch; bringing joy into the hearts of men

But I have not love… I am nothing but a rambling mad woman – walking the streets in oblivion. 

If I could travel the world;

Seeing sights that the mind can’t visualize;

Eating foods that the belly can’t fathom;

Speaking languages that the mouth cannot contain;

But I have no love….  I am nothing but a wandering fool, merely seeking a place to die. 

If I could pray the loudest and longest without ever tiring;

Sing the best and make the Angels weak in jealousy;

If I  sacrificed all my belonging on the altar 

And slay Jedidiah in obedience to God.

But I have no love? I’m nothing but an ant on a working threadmill. 

I am nothing but nothing without love; 

I am everything but anything solid without love;

I am something ugly without love;

I am nobody without love.

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